Who am I

Marion Malgarini
Shiatsu Specialist
Massage Practitioner
In a second career, Shiatsu and massages represent the center of my life, my passion and my profession since 2004. I work with people who want to increase their well-being and for this I use traditional Japanese knowledge from Shiatsu. This includes, among other things, a philosophy, research on the vital energy of Ki and the use of specific points on the body. I add knowledge about the Indian Ayurveda tradition and insights about muscles and fascias.
The fundamental decision to start my own business completely changed my life. I do what makes me happy and I try to be useful to others at the same time.
I continue to research and improve my own being, doing Do-in (Japanese self-massage that I teach), Yoga, meditation and practice silence. I master various harmonic instruments like Tibetan singing bowls and the gong, and I tend towards ever more centering, calm and peace within myself. I love nature, silence, good music, dancing, the seasons and life!
Shiatsu Specialist (professional title recognized by the French authority) ; approved by the SPS Professional Shiatsu Union; since 2017.
Shiatsu practitioner certified and approved by the FFST French Federation of Traditional Shiatsu; Namikoshi style ; 2005.
Wellness Massage Practitioner graduate and approved by the FFMBE French Federation of Wellness Massage; trainers Renato Pappalardo (my recognized mentor and teacher) https://www.renatopappalardo.com/
Jean-Louis Abrassart (renowned teacher, bestselling author); 2009. https://www.ffmbe.fr/
Somatotherapist (helping through touch); trainer Jean-Louis Abrassart ; 2016.
Distant healing for Shiatsu Practitioners; trainer Clifford Andrews (international renowned teacher) 2020. https://www.shiatsucentre.co.uk/our-practitioners.html +
Introduction to the Marvelous Vessels; trainer Fabian Bastianelli .
German mother tongue, bilingual French, English, Italian and Spanish good level.
Traditional Shiatsu (meridians, pressures, stretching, breathing, tsubos = points on the meridians)
Quantum Shiatsu (visualization, mindset, modeling)
Ayurvedic massage (rubbing, stretching, lemniscates, tapping)
Californian massage (kneading, mobilizations, slides)
Korean massage (vibrations, waves, stretches)
Lemniscate massage (8 of infinity)
Cranial massage (pressure, meridians)
Pregnant woman massage
Foot reflexology
Palm reflexology
Cranial reflexology
Mindset (concentration on a part of the body or a meridian)
Modeling (creating a state in my body and modeling it on the receiver)
Pregnant woman
Elderly persons
Breathing problems (diaphragm and viscera)
Stress reduction
Emotional blockages
Joints (knee, hip, cervical)
Muscle tension (back, cervical)
Remote treatments
My specificity is to perform a personalized massage each time. Each session is different. Depending on your current needs, the massage will be deeper on fascias, trigger points and meridian points to allow your deep muscles to relax, or the massage will be softer, slower and will allow you to reach the pleasures of a well relaxed mind .
All massages are relaxing. The energizing effect occurs after the massage due to muscle relaxation which allows better circulation of energy (the oriental Ki) and body fluids (blood, lymph, cerebrospinal) .
All massages also stimulate the secretion of endorphins (painkillers) and dopamine (happiness hormone) in the brain and thus provide this state of bliss so appreciated by connoisseurs .
Each session includes an interview in order to get to know each other and to establish a relationship of trust. We find out about your needs and your intention and we agree on the type of treatment you desire (massage or Shiatsu, touch with oil, or dressed).
This includes your health history, your difficulties and your current needs and will lead us to define together the areas of your body that require special attention.
If you wish, I can give you advice on your body postures, protection and care of your muscles, or on your relational or emotional difficulties.
This approach guarantees that the treatment is adapted to your needs and will also support you in your body development over time. If necessary, I will recommend you another health professional.
I am a member of the French Federation of Traditional Shiatsu, I am part of the Professional Union of Shiatsu Specialists and have the right to use the professional title "Shiatsu Specialist". I am also part of the French Federation of Wellness Massage and I am a Somatotherapist. All these different structures have a charter and an ethical code to which I have subscribed.
I am currently employed by the Artsana Association, registered number W343004450.